Changing flow properties

To view the properties of a flow, select the flow in the Flows pane and make sure that none of the flow elements in the canvas are selected. This ensures that the Properties pane displays the flow's properties (rather than the flow element's properties)

You can now change the properties by editing the values in the Properties pane; see Working with properties.

Renaming a flow

You can also change a flow's name by clicking on the name field in the Flows pane after the flow was already selected, and then typing the new name.

Choosing images

You can also change the background and header image by choosing the corresponding menu item in the contextual menu of canvas.
Note: You can choose PNG images on Mac OS X and on Windows OS you can choose both PNG and JPEG.

Allowing advanced performance tuning

You can unlock two additional performance properties on flow elements that support processing jobs concurrently.

When set to Yes, you will be able to change the default number of slots and the idle time-out for those elements. See "Default number of slots for concurrent processing" in Processing