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callas pdfToolbox ColorConvert


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If you are currently using the pdfToolbox ColorConvert configurator in your Enfocus Switch flows, this app allows the same functionality. You should however as soon as possible migrate your flows to use the color functionality in the callas pdfToolbox Profiles app. The pdfToolbox ColorConvert app uses quite old technology and is no longer actively maintained. It will be deprecated soon.

If you are not yet using the pdfToolbox ColorConvert configurator in your Enfocus Switch flows; do not use this app. Instead, install the “callas pdfToolbox Profiles” app and use the color capabilities found in callas pdfToolbox Profiles and Process Plans.

Switch Version Required:2023 Fall or higher
Platform:Windows, Mac

App creator

callas software GmbH
Online support

App creator

callas software GmbH
Online support