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Switch XML Simplify


50 $ /year subscription
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Switch XML Simplify does exactly what it is named for. 

It will simplify XML generated from Switch Client either by a Submit point or a Checkpoint.

Example use case

By default, a typical Xpath from a Switch generated XML looks like this : 

  • /field-list/field[4]/field-list/field[2]/value

  • /field-list/field[tag='Press Type']/field-list/field[tag='Press']/value

It has several flaws : 

  • If you change the field order in your submit point,  it will break your Xpath;

  • It’s hardly human readable;

  • Evaluating workaround trick (eg : replacing the field number with tag=’XXXX’) will :

    • need you to edit the xpath manually;

    • not work  if you have a quote, or a double quote, in your tag;

How does it work?

Just use the app as a flow element and the app default behavior will add a new dataset with a suffix for each Switch client XML compliant.

Now your Xpath is simplified and will looks like this : /Xml/pressType/press

Switch Version Required:2020 Fall or higher
Platform:Windows, Mac

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