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Connect module

The power of simple…

  • Simplify file submission directly into Switch.
  • Receive print-ready PDF files with each submission.
  • Link incoming files directly to your jobs.
  • Have metadata sent along for automated production.
  • Control how an unlimited number of internal/external users submit files.*
  • Increase your total throughput.

The Connect Module for Switch extends your automated workflow right to your customer’s desktop. By using a simple “app”, which you define, your customers can simply drag and drop files right into your Switch flows.




How it works


Step 1: define 

You define everything up-front for your cutomer:

  • Settings for PDF creation
  • PDF Preflight and Correction
  • Which Switch submit point to use

Use some or all of the features to make a connection, dedicated to a particular customer, or a general one for many customers. The choice is all yours.

Step 2: distribute

Once defined, you simply create a small application called a “Connector,” and make this available to your customers.

The Connector hides all the settings from your customers, even the login credentials to enable file delivery to your Switch flow.


Step 3: receive perfect PDF files

When your customers are ready to submit a file, all they do is “print” or drag and drop their file/folder on the Connector.  

It's that simple.



More than a submission tool

The Connect Module also provides client-side:

Job ticketing based on Switch metadata.

PDF creation from any application based on preset specifications.

PDF preflight & correction using industry standard PitStop technology.

Auto-delivery to Switch flows.



Feature highlights and benefits


1. Predefined PDF creation settings

Create PDFs in a consistent and error free way. Reduce support and customer training.

Your customer has no specifications to know or learn.

2. PDF Preflight and Correction

Corrects common errors upfront before file delivery. Reduces internal review and correction cycles. Speeds job through production.

Your customer is served faster thanks to reduced correction and review cycles.


3. Job ticketing

Collects customer and job information in a consistent manner that can be used to drive downstream automation.

Your customer delivers all neccesary information up-front, no follow-up or requests for omitted information needed.

4. Automated delivery to Switch flows

Speeds production by delivering job files and information directly into Switch flows.

Your customer doesn't need to learn or know anything to submit files.



See all features           


* The SwitchClient module is required when using the Connect Module.  Although the Connect Module provides unlimited distribution of Connectors, the maximum number of concurrent connections is equal to the purchased number of SwitchClient licenses.