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PitStop Server 2.x release notes


The information in this article applies to the following products:

  • PitStop Server 2.0
  • PitStop Server 2.01
  • PitStop Server 2.03
  • PitStop Server 2.02


What's new in PitStop Server 2.x?


This is not a complete summary of all bug-fixes or new features, but a list of the most important problems that were fixed in this release.

  • PitStop Server 2.0: This is a major upgrade from existing versions of PitStop Server

New Features

-Redesigned and improved user interface for setting up the Hot Folders. 
-New PDF Profile format supports extensive preflight checks and includes corrections. 
-Routing of documents through the workflow can now be done based on warnings during preflight. 
-Email notification allows a workflow manager to receive email warnings for a workflow. 
-New PDF Profile Editor allows easier creation of the new PDF Profile. 
-Extended PDF Profile collection and templates. 
-PDF/X-1a and PDF/X-3 PDF Profiles allow checking for and creation of PDF/X documents. 
-New help menu items provide direct access to key features on the Enfocus web site.


This is not a complete summary of all bug-fixes, but a list of the most important problems that were fixed in this release.

-Issues regarding font embedding and subsetting. 
-Removing the Certified PDF information was not logged in the preflight report. 
-Running an action list with a "Change Flatness" action behaved incorrectly with a very high flatness value. 
-Characters were changed when embedding fonts whose encoding is different than the encoding in the PDF document. 
-Converting calibrated RGB objects to Gray caused a crash with some specific PDF documents. 
-Improved Color conversion.

  • PitStop Server 2.01


-Processing of documents with similar objects gave unexpected results. 
-Preflight check 'Black text does not overprint and Ignore text larger than xxx' gave unexpected results. 
-PDF documents saved with 'pdfSaveAsPDF1.3 V1.0.006' from Callas Software could not be preflighted when the check for PDF version number is on. More information can be found in this knowledgebase article
-PDF documents with Inline Postscript could not be processed correctly.

  • PitStop Server 2.02


-Please consult this knowledge base article for a list of bug-fixes and improvements that are applicable to PitStop Professional, PitStop Server and Instant PDF. 
-Processing speed improved. 
-Correct discrimination between PDF files and AdobePS files. 
-Support for special folder names. 
-Correct filetype for processed Certified PDF files.

  • PitStop Server 2.03

New Features

-Support for alternate images (to speed up screen redraw). 
-Overprint mode handling. 
-PDF Profile allows checking for completely embedded double byte font.


-This is not a complete summary of all bug-fixes, but a list of the most important problems that were fixed in this release. 
-Improved handling of PDF Profile Database.