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Steven Nuyt




Session hosted by

Automation myths busted... or not?

Sometimes, when people hear 'automation', they start freaking out. Everyone has an opinion about automation, but not always based on facts, more on gut feeling. This is really unfortunate because many opportunities have been lost in the past because of a wrong gut feeling. I will talk about the most common misunderstandings and try to bust the myths. If you even have the smallest doubt about automation, you should watch this session.

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About Steven Nuyt

I started my career at Enfocus 7 years ago as a software engineer. I quickly became the R&D manager of my team and was responsible for delivering strategically important projects such as the PitStop subscriptions, Enfocus Appstore, the MyEnfocus platform, the customer dashboards for PitStop and Switch and much more. During that period, I was able to gather a deep understanding of the Enfocus business and the challenges we face. Suddenly, there was an open position as Head of Product and I jumped. I am now responsible for the whole Enfocus product portfolio and the product strategy going forward.