What's new in Switch




Support for offline installations

Released in Switch 2024 Spring on June 25th, 2024
See release notes

For security reasons, your company may not allow a direct connection to the internet. In that case, the new Proxy Module is the perfect solution to experience the full capabilities of Enfocus Switch while maintaining the highest level of security.






Configurators converted to apps

Released in Switch 2023 Fall on October 3rd, 2023
See release notes

The functionality of the configurators has been integrated into the Enfocus Appstore. For an overview, click here.




Rush jobs and Web Portal customization

Released in Switch 2022 Fall on October 3rd, 2022
See release notes

What if an urgent job comes in and there are too many jobs waiting ahead of it in the queue to get it processed in time? Enter Rush Jobs. You now have the ability to bump jobs up the queue to get them to process faster.

Also, you can now use HTML in the Submit point description on the Submit point cards. This allows you to add a high level of customization to Submit points.





JSON support 

Released in Switch 2022 Spring on June 9th, 2022
See release notes

Switch now allows Node.js script expression (with version 16 support) as well as native JSON support, ensuring simple integration with modern RESTful APIs. 




Default apps 

Released in Switch 2022 Spring on June 9th, 2022
See release notes

The default Switch flow elements have moved to the Enfocus Appstore, allowing for quicker updates independent from the Switch releases.


Node.js script expressions &
Web Portal improvements

Released in Switch 2022 Spring on June 9th, 2022
See release notes

The Switch 2022 Spring update features several tweaks that streamline the existing Switch experience, such as single line text with variables, optional larger thumbnails and customizable fields, and an overhauled UX in the client module. In addition, its scripting tools have been further enhanced.





Looking for all Switch updates?

Check out the Switch release notes.