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Integrate with imposition software

The problem

There are many imposition solutions being used by print service providers. Some shops have more than one imposition solution and operators are interacting with them manually.

Switch will intelligently route jobs to imposition hot folders or send instructions via an app created by an Enfocus imposition partner.




The Switch solution


With this solution, Switch routes files to and from existing imposition software, then to print or RIP queues:

  • Jobs enter the flow via a Submit Point and are then sorted by imposition intent.
  • Jobs to processed by a hotfolder-based imposition solution are routed to the correct input hotfolder. Keeping the Switch job prefix allows and metadata associated with the job to be maintained after imposition.
  • Wide-format jobs are routed to an imposition app created by an Enfocus partner. After the app imposes the job, it is routed further in the flow.
  • Switch routes the imposed jobs to the intended RIP based on metadata associated with the job.



  • Seamless connectivity between imposition and production.
  • Keep your jobs moving in a consistentreliable and efficient way.
  • Use your existing imposition solution.



Flow elements and modules used for this case 


Client module - Allows users to access Switch workflows from a browser. Learn more.

Metadata module - Make use of job data to automate decision making. Learn more.

Imposition software - third party imposition solution. Learn more.

Folder - used to receive, route and collect jobs in a flow.

Connectors - used to establish pathways in a flow and apply decision making based on job properties or metadata.



Are you ready to revolutionize your automation?

Switch gives you the power and freedom to automate your way. Get in touch with an Enfocus reseller to find out how.

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